About a year or so ago, I created a cleaning schedule to help myself keep track of the house and I shared it with all of my friends over on Instagram. As I got busier, that schedule became a little overwhelming for me, so, I decided to revamp it and make it a little more "busy mom" friendly and I had so much interest in it over on the Gram.
So I've decided to upload it here so that you can print it out at home and hopefully it'll help you too! Now, there are several ways you can use this. I personally like to laminate mine and stick it on the fridge where I can see it everyday. I use a dry erase marker to check off my completed task and then erase it to start the new week over. You can also download this to your iPad, frame it, whatever you need to do so that you can keep track of what you've completed that week/month.
You'll notice a the top there is a "morning" and evening" section. These are tasks that you should complete each morning and evening to avoid things piling up. Continuing on through the schedule, there are different sections for each day of the week (ie, Monday's are Bedrooms, Tuesdays are Bathrooms, etc). The last column is a "Monthly" section and the biggest change from the previous schedule. This section includes the parts of the home that need a "deeper" clean that you may not be able to get to every week (ie, scrubbing showers, polishing appliances, etc). Hopefully this schedule will feel a little easier to tackle!
Here is the link to download your printable cleaning schedule and don't forget to tag me on Instagram!
Thanks so much 😊
This will come in so handy! Thank you for sharing